Hot Stock Scan for August 14, 2012

Had one great trade today which I nailed on $ALXA for $360 other then that a small $40 loss and still long some $PCI at $9.10. Hit the gym mid day and just relaxed for the rest of the snoozefest in the market.

Here are a few stocks I am watching for tomorrow:

$ALXA continuation on the momo from todays of my top watches

$SVNT eyeballing this sweet little boy for the Dollar roll and over $1.01

$BEST big vol today, just on watch, doubt I trade it at all

$JSDA nice move into the close today but pretty much a parabolic move, looking for a weak open and r/g push for the trade

$GRPN just…well…yea

$ACAD This puppy is on the breakout move…looking for a good entry point

$MTG looking to fill that gapparoo

$GNK eyeballing for an entry as this could easily be a $4 magnet